The Harmony of Life

BY IN Harmony On January 11, 2016

As a musician I know the value of good harmony.  One out of tune note can ruin an otherwise beautiful chord. Beautiful, harmonious music can invoke various emotions such as feelings of love, happiness, etc.  Often, a composer will deliberately put notes together that are not harmonious to cause feelings of tension in the music.  However, we are usually not left stranded in that inharmonious state.  The composer will “resolve” the music to a sound that our ears are wanting to hear and leave us feeling good again in the end.

This same scenario can play out in our lives.  When we are in harmony with the universe, our families, our co-workers, and most importantly ourselves, life is good and we are happy and healthy. If our lives become out of balance and we become inharmonious, we start to get that tension, that stress, that if left unresolved will cause dis-ease, or disease.

I recently read an article where cancer patients were being treated with “healthicine” instead of medicine.  An excerpt from that article goes like this:

“After a few days, she met with a group of doctors to discuss her health, not her illness, her healthiness. Diagnosing illness is difficult. Analyzing healthiness is more complex. It took several doctors and several hours for her to learn and understand what they had learned about her healthinesses and her unhealthinesses.

They then “prescribed” two weeks, if I remember correctly, of healthiness training, tailored to her specific situation. She spent the next two weeks at the clinic, learning to be healthier, not learning how to be “healthier in principle,” rather – learning what she needed to do to make her diet, her body, her mind, her spirits, and even her relationships with her communities healthier. She could not change her work community. But she could change how she reacted to and interacted with it – to improve her own health. After two weeks of learning at the clinic, her breast lump had started to shrink.

She went back to Canada, to put her learning into action. The lump disappeared. Her diagnosis was still there on paper. But her “cancer” had disappeared. She was retested at her hospital and no cancer was found.”

Thus the name of Harmony and Health.  Take the time to keep yourself in tune, in harmony and without dis-ease.  Bodywork, energy work, and healthy and conscious eating all play a part in keeping our vibrations high and our bodies, mind and spirits in good working order.  Choose healthicine up front instead of waiting to have to use medicine.


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